Saturday, July 26, 2008
I watched The Dark Knight with Char, Min and Kelda. Kelda and I finished our lemon lime chicken at Aston's in 10 minutes. Beat that!
The show was erm scary. >.< Whenever the joker was waving the stupid knife around and talking about his father, I get so freaked that he'll just stick the knife in the man in front of him. And it didn't help that he kept on talking and talking and waving the knife about in front of the man. I kept my face covered for a good 3 minutes until the scene is over.
And stupid char didnt help. All she did was peer over and laughed at me. And in all the times that I was covering my face you can hear her whispering "wussy wusssssy".
Well she redeemed herself by bringing us to the Night Safari. Yeah free entryyyy! Plus front row seats at the show. :D Plus B&J at 30% OFF. Plus staff meal of nuggets and fries and a drink. Well we paid for the tram but it was well worth it. Paying for all of em would have cost so much more!
:D Well the rest of the days was like ... More of working at my aunt's store for wednesday and thursday and I took a break for friday and back again to working on Saturday and resting on Sunday!
All the time I've been watching movies online on my break days and just sleeping in till 11. Bliss.
Oh and now that I'm done with movies, I've moved on to really really old anime that I used to watch a lot when I was in primary/secondary school like Cardcaptor Sakura. HAHA. I reckon/hope that if I watch a fair amount of Japanese/Korean dramas or anime I'll learn more words and eventually will be able to understand a bit of both languages.
WELL, I'm still waiting for that to happen.
And I need to exercise so please ask me out to play sports!
Ciaooo! Taaaa.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hello! Out of utter boredom waiting for the last episode of Gossip girl to load, I chanced upon this quiz on Sam's blog and decided to take it too! Anddd Ta Daaa! This is my result.
Laid-back Doer (LD)
(Just visiting? Take the free personality test and determine your iPersonic type!)
Laid-back Doers are friendly, happy persons. They enjoy being together with other people. Smart, eloquent, witty and charming, they like to be the centre of attraction. They do not like to be alone. Their zest for life ensures that others feel well in their company and that they quickly get to know people. Laid-back Doers get the best out of every moment - many people of this type have a gift for making their whole life one big party. Boredom is unknown in their presence because they are very good at carrying others away with their enthusiasm, their good mood and their optimism.
Abstract thinking and profound philosophising about the meaning of life appeal less to Laid-back Doers. They are pragmatic, realistic and live completely in the here and now. At work too, they prefer it when it’s all go and they can act out their purposeful manner to the full. They have no problem handling several tasks at once and they blossom out in crisis situations! A varied field of activity with a lot of social contacts is just the right thing for them. One will also seldom find them inactive in their spare time; due to their open, curious nature, they mostly have many hobbies and interests. They are not afraid of the unknown: as they are flexible and creative, they quickly adjust to new situations and make the best of them. They sometimes come into conflict with strict rules or hierarchies by which they quickly feel constrained and against which they rebel.
As friends, Laid-back Doers are generous, helpful persons who attach great importance to harmonious relationships and a good atmosphere. Their sociable manner means that they have a large circle of friends and they love having the house full of many different types of guests. They are happy to give in to their spontaneous moods and fancies in the just one or two important things. This makes them appear somewhat unpredictable to those with a quieter nature. When it really matters, you can rely on them one hundred percent. As partners, they are creative, impetuous and imaginative - as long as their partner knows how to fascinate them. They can hardly stand boredom or routine in a relationship. They do not like conflicts at all; if a relationship becomes too strenuous or involves too much effort, they tend to withdraw from the partnership and start to look for a new partner. However, if one manages to keep their curiosity alive in the long term and surprise them again and again, one has a loyal and loving partner.
Adjectives which describe your type
extroverted, practical, emotional, spontaneous, enthusiastic, friendly, playful, lively, talkative, nonchalant, tolerant, happy, pleasant, generous, flexible, wily, attractive, relationship-oriented, generous, adventurous, fun-loving, creative, helpful, action-loving, casual, sociable, open, sensitive, touchy, erratic, curious, noncommittal, action-loving
These subjects could interest you
going out, dancing, parties, cinema, eating out, sport and travel (club holidays), music, trekking, camping, hiking, cooking, handicrafts, nature
I think taking personality tests are quite fun when you're bored. I was hoping they can tell me like what kind of job I should head for or look for or something. At least head me in some direction. Well I didnt really get much out of it but thanks personality test anyway.
I met up with Anisha, Yun Hui and Vanessa from Primary school after so long! Vanessa planned the meeting and it went great. WE met at Holland V and ate at Hog's Cafe and we were just updating everyone about the whereabouts of everyone else. We went to island creamery for desserts and at the same time see Sam who's working there at the moment.
Sam and I went to club after that. Yes! We went clubbing finally! After so so so many plans that fell through finally one succeeded. We went to MOS on wednesday night and it was great and so much fun.
Went back, sleep, woke up and met up with the rest of T13 again. We went to the Japanese Pasta place in Cine and it was really not that good. Maybe its because we ordered the student sets and the work was pretty sloppy. Like Des ordered the sausage and pasta set and they gave her deep fried FROZEN sausages. SERIOUS. Those 1 pack 2 bucks kind. And they wanted to charge us 7.80 for that. Likewise, Gwen said that our fried bits of chicken was frozen before it was served to us. Ugh. But nevertheless, the meeting was still lots of fun :) We can re-shift the Popiah party to another day!
And I worked at my aunt's store today :) I have a bit of money now so YAY. Just one day of work make me feel like i'm not really slacking that much so I'm pretty much happy. Now I can officially say that I've worked and wasnt slacking much in this super long 3 months break that I have :D HAHA yeah baby! And i'm working the next 2 days too so that's not that bad right!-Self Assurance
Money money money! :) The health food/Organic Shop is now relocated to Roxy Square. Yeah air con! Better working conditions makes working so much more enjoyable. Hur.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I have too much free time. I seriously think i do.
Well, technically, my days are still pretty much fixed up but I always feel like I have lots and lots of free time that I'm just not making full use of.
Sitting on the bus doing nothing just allow my mind to go crazy. I start thinking of weird stuff and I wont stop until I'm off the bus or doing something else.
I think that my life is going nowhere. I always say that, but I dont do anything about it.
Ahhhhhhh. I hope that when I'm old and reading this old entry of mine, I would already know what I'm doing with my life or at least working towards it. I HOPE.
Yeah yeah yeah!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Went out with Kelda, MIn, Safy and John today! Watched Wanted at The Cathay and guess what! They have a Aston's there! <3
Woooooooo. Prime ribeye x-cut steak HAA. But mine was just rare when i ordered medium rare. I think anything rare-er than medium rare is like chewy.
Ahhhh. Went to Daiso to get the soba stuff :) Soba for lunch tomorrow yeahh! There's a Japan/Korea fair at Plaza Sing right now and after complaining about wanting to go back to Japan, I REALLY WANT TO GO BACK TO JAPAN. HAAA.
Ahhh oh well.
PIctures of Japan! Mostly pictures of me being an idiot.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
My com officially sucks. Seriously. After being able to keep it connected to the internet for about a week, me, being a very considerate nice owner decided to give it a break by shutting it down, assuming that it'll work for me after the break that i gave it.
Backstabber. $@)#(@%*@(*%#%
Ahhhh update update.
I havent gotten the pictures from my sisters yet. -.-" I've been spending the past few days making full use of my internet. In other words, watching stupid variety shows, korean mini dramas, downloading nonsense, and doing absolutely nothing :)
Which means that I have to find a job really soon. My mum has been nagging at me since the day we came back to Singapore. Like, you're wasting your life watching korean shows, staying in your room the whole day you're not communicating with us which will inevitably lead to family disintegration (in other words, destroying the family).
Man i need to get out more often
Forrest is still as annoying/adorable as ever. Annoying because he just dragged me all over the park today. Mind you, it was just one round around the cable ski at East Coast. Blardy dog. Dragged me to all the lamppost and any dog in sight. Seriously, he's going to have no balls soon if he keep this up. Adorable because he's sleeping by my feet now and resting his paw on my feet :D He's quite adorable sometimes. Never fails to greet you at the door or when you just woke up. Bad in the sense that he thinks jumping on you is the best way to greet a person. -.-" Love hate relationship in a way.
Now that i havent been doing anything, somehow I think that my brain isnt working at all. It feels redundant in a way. Brain dead. If i were to do like an Brain test of any sort i think i'll flunk it with ease. I feel, well, stupid. And this is like only the second week after Japan.
I want to eat cold soba. Badly.
But then again i need to stop thinking about eating. My appetite has been like nuts. I can eat a cow. Seriously. a cow. a kobe cow or wagyu cow would be good :) ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I need to start exercising again.
Someone please ask me out! Exercise, shopping, whatever! Just get my butt off the chair!