Friday, October 26, 2007
Its been a terribly fun week. Its been hectic but yet omg i had so much fun. I know why fans chase stars. Its a whole new experience. And it starts with just thinking of ways to get tickets, finding their flight info, getting the tickets, the day they finally arrive, the performances and the day they finally left.
It all started with MTV asking people to send in video clips of themselves on why they should be Jenny and Vannie and I was so excited about it. We were throwing stupid ideas on how to make the clips and then the thought of receiving them at the airport came next.
Listening to 987 one day and there came the commercial to win tickets to a special showcase for the click 5 at MOS just by smsing in C5 to 72346 with your name and ic and either 1 of the 3 talkshows will call you back and you'll have to sing a song of the click 5 to get the tickets. :) I called Vannie to ask her if she knew about it and she started sending in the smses. I decided to chip in a dollar cos i couldnt use my phone to sms. Waahhh its really very exciting just waiting for them to call back. Waited till a few days later and both of us really gotten quite dejected.
THEY CALLED THE NEXT DAY!! Omgg, on a thursday morning at 7 15 or so. Vannie called to tell me WE GOT THE TICKETS!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOO! I was jumping up and down in my room screaming my ass off! I was so happy the whole day! - Well, until i lose my wallet that day and refound it cos the nice vs guys that picked up my wallet returned it to me- and i kept smiling to myself and that lasted for at 3 days or so.
After that we found out that they are making a guest appearance to Live the Dreams so we tried to get tickets for that too! Vannie sms in but dang it didnt work out.
At the airport waiting for them was just great. They were so close to me but darn my senses didnt kick in then. I wasnt excited and i wasnt that crazy. I was pretty much saned and it sucks. I should have just grab everyone of them and start snapping pictures up immediately. My senses only kicked in the next morning when i wake up and was like " OMG I MET THE CLICK 5 YESTERDAY. Like seriously what was i thinking -.-"
Before heading to meet Min to study on Tuesday, JOYCE ABSOLUTELY MADE MY DAY. She called me and ask me if i still wanted tickets for Live the Dream! SHE HAS THEM OMGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! She got it from her friend and she gave them to me! I mean she thought of me! Like OMG!!! Joyce is so awesome <3 I went down to Dhoby to meet her cos Live the Dreams was just the next day. OMGGGGGGGGG SO EXCITING!!! PLUS they were good tickets! LIKE GOOD. Its at the bottom man.
I went crazy when they performed at Live the Dream. Kyle had some spasm and on a usual any day, i would have gone like HAR HAR HAR HAR. But when he did it, PHWAAH I WENT HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I was giggling my ass off. My goodness. He brings skinny jeans to a whole new level. Like seriously. -.-" His legs are like my arm. -.-"
MOS the next day was just so awesomeeeeeee. We head down early where Vannie's sister queued for us and we met Vannie's online friend and they let us stand right in front with them :D We made new friends that day and we went at around 5 and they only let us in around 7 plus. We were directly in front of the stage and OMGGGG I SERIOUSLY WENT NUTS. I Tiptoe the whoooole hr and now my toes are numb. Like seriously, i cant feel them, especially the middle toes and i dont know why. My goodness i fell in love with the drummer. When he play it was like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH -swoon swoon I did that for every number they played. My goodness
Instead of a great finish to this whole journey by sending them off at the airport, i didnt. I went for lessons instead. Oh well, i still love them. I'm still listening to their songs while i'm typing this out and every song that comes on just reminds me of their awesome performance. I dont regret doing all this. I can honestly say that i went crazy once in my lifetime and had almost 2-3 whole weeks of euphoria.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

haha I was the camera man for the day :)
Went to the airport to see Click 5. They actually have to wait for their own luggage. So unlike Rain's where all he did is walk through the barriers. This time there wasnt any barriers at all! Like fwaaah so cool. We actually get to see them upclose and Kyle is still erm quite hot :D
JOYCE totally made my day! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!!! :D Min made my day too! In a totally different way. I LOVE YOU MIN I LOVE YOU MIN I LOVE YOU MIN I LOVE YOU! :D
Friday, October 19, 2007
Its Min's bday! Couldnt spend it with her though due to previous engagement. Went for maths lecture and couldnt understand a single shit, went to tuition and Charla being ever so nice came to meet me at Simei :D
My dad came to send us home so that i can shower and we waited for Vannie to turn up.
My older sis kindly sent us to Darryl's house where the hot dog party was. BLADE IS SOOO HOT :D Huge! He's like the size of my table. It was awkward initially but haha we had so much crappy talks it was so fun afterwards :D Halo with the guys are like a massacre for us cos we're so assing noob.
Enjoyed myself tremendously.Many thanks to Lena who invited us, Lena's pal Darryl with the awesome dessert and for hosting, and Char and Vannie for coming with me! :)
Char came over to visit her boyfriend. Crap the sky look so dark so i predict that its going to rain when it was almost 3 hours later and it still havent rain. Char puts the blame on me of course. haha but i blame her for waking me up :) heeee
Its Lena's and Lyn's birthday today! :) Yayness!
Slept after Char went home and couldnt meet up with Vannie. I read finish Fushigi Yuugi and omg its soooooooo good. I love it :D I think i'm going back to the manga craze soon.
I went for lecture today! Saw Roseline so this is like the second time i see her in school! She reckons that we should meet up soon and I agree. I was thinking that we should meet in cj and eat before the school closes for A's. I want to eat my half mee kia mix mee pok with extra chilli with liver again! And Thai spicy chicken, and nasi pandang at the malay stall, and vegetables at the vegetation stall, and Katsu Don from the Japanese stall,and Orange Lime juice from the fruits and juice stall, with a cup of Ribena. I want to sit at the round table, and see the old men's club and tai tai club. I miss schoool. :(
I went to Bishan Junction 8 to meet up with Min, Lyn, Safy and John to celebrate's Lyn's belated birthday. We ate at Pizza hut and Haagen Daz later :D So fun to crap! haha and we were all talking about maple. We say we should all join back together to play! Well except me cos i have always been in game. haha :D
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Your view on yourself:You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on educationEducation is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
This is so queer. 0.0
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Terrible day, lost my wallet refound my wallet, spent 13 bucks on cabbie fare.
The day only got better when lesson ended and Min, Safy, Kelda and John went to Island creamery for ice cream. Min and i went to meet Lyn later and yay! It was good meeting her :D Subway was awesome and Aloy came soon after. Min and I headed to the new Bishan Library and we checked out the place as well as borrowed some books back.
Baby Blues! :D
Went for lecture in the morning and met Feli in school man. This is like the second time that i actually meet her in school. I head home after that and slept. Was totally exhausted and went down to meet up with the FCC later. Happy Early Birthday Lena! We went to the place the Big O in wheelock place opposite NYDC and it sucks man. I ate the chicken filled Ravioli with chef's recommendation and it tasted like chinese Wanton. I paid 18 bucks for like 10 pieces of Chinese Wanton. HA ha :D
The Haato ice cream was superb though. Green Tea and Durian was like WOOOOOOO. The green tea standard at Haato can match up to the standard of Haagen Daz but the texture of it is so much better. Outside Wheelock this guy came up to us and started giving us flowers for Protect ourselves from Aids Event. the guy really really really look like Alvin Ng. haha
we went to Starbucks beside Centrepoint and the starbucks there is so pretty. Charla and Janny came to meet us there and we crap and did a bit of cam whoring there.
Went to meet Vannie at the airport. I love PCC.
Went home in the morning and slept all the way till 3 in the afternoon. Tuition and went to my Grandma's house after that. We were celebrating her birthday and she cooked 2 types of pasta and her superb porridge. She makes the best porridges ever! We had Satay and yam rings along with chicken wings and omg, I ate so much. >.<
We watched Transformers after that and omg it IS FANTASTIC. I regret no watching it in the theatres now :( What was i doing when Transformers came out!!! NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. UGH.
I slept the whole of today again. Darn i'm still so tired i think i slept too much. I want to go back to bed >.<

A very small and blurred picture of Rain at the Airport. This is the best i could do with the Camera phone man. I want to watch Full House.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
I was finally early for class thank goodness. Half an hour early too! Top that! Hurhur.
OMG LECTURE WAS SO BORING. I was awake when I walked into class, but brain dead when I left the class. I was listening in class but I seriously dont understand what he was talking about. AT ALL.
We met up with Safy and Min after our classes and we head down to Island Creamery and Macs. Poor Min just had her braces and couldnt eat anything else except ice cream.
I met up with Serene and Sammie at NUS cos we were suppose to study that day. But noooo we didnt study. I went to their school, ate some Japanese lunch set which is quite okay considering i paid 4 bucks for it, Serene's friend Cassendra came and we head to SNOWCITY! hahaha! It was really cool! We get to enter the place for free, took one slide down the big slope and walked around the place. Quite cool :D Cassendra's dad treat us to food too and send us back to NUS. Thanks uncle! :d
I went back to SIM to meet Feli :D and we both head down to Gardens. My goodness we took like 3 buses there. 151, change at Cj to 153, changed at Bradell to 73 and we were first at Gardens. Lena came after 15-20 mins and we went to Sushi Tei for dinnner :D
I love the setting at Sushi Tei. The branch at Serangoon gardens have a cosy setting and beautiful place. The food is really pricey but i dont mind going back there just to sit and chill out. I ate this udon with pork cutlet which was alright. With salmon and teka? Maki and the meal cost me bout 20 bucks. -ching ching!
We went down to coffeebean and this wine and food place called Friends had a life performance there and they were playing all the old songs. We were the only ones that clapped and they keep thanking us. HAHA
We went to Cartel and chill and i bought this drink called Cranberry Bitch(peach). :D Its really good actuallly. Cost me another 5 bucks. :( -chingching!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Wah i think i'm having one bad day after another.
I left the house and was on the way to meet Vannie where this car was going to out to the road. He looks like he's going to the other direction so i walked when there wasnt any car. He honked his blardy honker at me and raise his hand in anger.
That wasnt all that happen. I was walking to the bus stop and i saw the bus but i was still about 6 metres away from the bus stop so i raised my arm to flag the bus. Then this cab in the other lane saw me and he thought i was flagging at him so he cut into the bus lane and landed in front of me! I was like shit shit! I keep shaking my head and i keep telling him no no and the bus behind honked at him. So he moved forward and continued waiting for me! I was like SHIT SHIT SHIT! I kept signalling no to him but he still wait there! I board the bus and the bus uncle was like " why you flag the taxi?" with this smirk on his face. I was like no! I wasnt flagging the taxi! I was flagging for the bus! He just laughed at me lah. SO PAISEH. OMG >.<
I wanted to die on the spot lah. >.< They were so many people on the bus so paiseh.
I ate Gelare for dinner! P.S note to self: NEVER EVER attempt to eat one large Waffle for dinner.
Forrest is sooooo heavy now! I cant carry him with one arm and he's eating everything he sees. I find the weirdest things in his mouth and the best part is, I dont even know where it came from. -.-"