Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I met up with Yun Hui and Nikki on Sunday! We ate at Billy Bombers that day and we just walk around and chill and discuss about the start of school. This sucks. I dont want to go back to school!
I hate the feeling of going back to school. I dont mind going back to school but going to a new school and not knowing anyone, that sucks. I hate this feeling of not knowing anything and they throw me in this complete new environment. Leaving me to die in this concrete jungle of people. Pigs.
Meeting up with Min, Lyn, Safy and John last night was good too. We went to cartel and ice3(cube) after that. I think they are really very smart. They know how to attract customers. Their ice cream isnt that good, but good enough, its the thought of making your own creation that appeals to the masses. Choosing your own ice cream and adding an additional 3 toppings of your choice. PLUS NAMING YOUR OWN SUNDAE. hahaha! that was really fun! I named mine Mr Brad Pitt cos of my choice of of ice cream. Peanut Butter :D - you got to watch Meet Joe Black to know why. HAHA
I met up with Vannie today! We went out with the aim of getting an organiser for Uni and we couldnt find any at popular. I need an organiser soon! Maybe I shall be a loner tomorrow and go shopping for it on my own. And i think i will!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Min, Safy and I went shopping in town! We went for the great half price waffles at Gelare and superb cheesy curry chicken at Chippys. I start off the day with aims to buy new shirts and pants, and I ended up buying nail polish and nail polish remover at Sasa.
Min and I went to meet up with Lyn, Aloy and Kyla. Kyla is seriously the most active puppy i have ever seen. And compare her to Forrest, OMGGGG the vast difference. It worries me cos i'm totally freaked that my dog is so lethargic.
We ate Teochew porridge at Kovan and head to Serangoon Gardens to eat Macs! Both great. Special thanks to Lyn and Aloy. :D Thanks a lot!
Min and Char came to my house! Min did my nails and great job on the nails! But the colour that i chose sucks man. Doesnt match at all. I'm so sorry min for taking it off. We took a cab to Marine cove cos we desperately wanted to go to Kenny Rogers for Mac and Cheese and wah rao, the store was closed. We ended up eating at Subway and i love the staff there! They pile on so much veggies its like heavenly. :D
We headed to the beach and soak our feet in when Char keep wanting to kayak and Min didnt mind. While walking to the rental place, we stopped by New Zealand Natural and i ate the Durian fruit flo. Its damn good! We went Kayaking and i got sea sick. In like less than an hour. Kayaking is seriously not my thing. My arms are aching now. And i have to play Badminton tomorrow. Die...
I went for Driving after that. I cant do the 3 point turn. It sucks. I keep stalling. And i think the instructor got pissed with me. HAHA. Oh well. Too bad for him.
Friday, July 20, 2007
I had my second lesson of driving yesterday. It was fun! We did the driving up and down as usual but with signaling and stuff. We then move on to the accelerator and the braking.
He actually make me drive back to the centre! I mean its a very very very short journey but i was totally freaking out. I mean all the while i have been training at the side of the road moving up and down you dont expect me to drive on the actual roads after that! My mind just went blank blank blank.
Forrest is growing! I mean this time its quite a distinct change. We usually make his food really moist so its easy for him to chew but now he has upgraded! He only wants part of his food moist cos he ate most of his food today! I think it'll be soon when he starts eating more. Oh no. I want to face out Eukanaba as soon as possible. Eukanaba ( dont really know how to spell it) is a really lousy dog food brand.
He's now playing less with the toys now. I think he's sick of them. Man he's a super picky dog. I tried to "walk" him today by putting on the collar and the leash and he tried to bite them off. So much for second tries.
Vannie came over to get the FTT book and she told me all about her orientation. Kinda made me wish i had gone for mine but oh well. :D I get to spend more time with Forrest anyhow. Thanks vannie for getting me that wonderful fish crackers.
He slept on my lap today :D
Wah lao eh. He just pooped as i'm typing this entry! I cant even take my eyes off him for one moment. Spoiler! Pooped near the table too man. That pooper.

Now he pee-ed in the middle of my living room. RRWAAARRR.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Yay! My com is finally up and running :D I met up with Feli and Char at Orchard Mrt Station yesterday. Ate at Wisma Food Republic fishoup, gotten salmon maki at taka and head down to Paragon's starbucks to chill. Feli left early :( and Char and i stayed on waiting for Anty. Poor Anty is so tied up that she cant join us at all. We met Ange from Secondary school at starbucks! Man it was so weird. She look so different from last time! Almost didnt recognise her yeeeeks. We were talking about secondary days for like almost an hour. Makula? Manaku? Malaku? MAKALU!!!
Char persuaded her mum to let her sleepover at my house! We went to the 24 hours cold storage cos Char was craving for mac cheese and i wanted a snack. We went back to the house and so much for no maple for the night. HAHAHA
We watched A Walk to Remember cos my dear friend Char have never watched that show before! Goodness, i cried like 3 times during the show. When she confessed about her illness and he ran to his dad for help, when he thank his dad for the money help and when he did all the sweet things for her. Stupid, I swear Char wanted to cry lor.
OH. And i broke the glass off the glass cabinet. -.-"
Monday, July 16, 2007

Hello! I'm back again. My parents still havent found a power point for my com and as usual, i still have to continue using my sister's laptop and yay! she gave me 15 minutes to use it today.
Forrest is the most annoying dog there is. He keep trying to test his boundaries. Like how far he can go before i start screaming at him. We set a boundary for him so that he cant enter the corridor leading to our room and everytime he inches near, i'll go "NO FORREST". Knowing he has been spotted, he sits down again. And wait for me to take my eyes off him. As soon as i do that, he runs off with his second attempt at reaching our room.
"NO FORREST!!!!" He sits at the exact spot and try to act as if he was doing nothing wrong. He then looks at you with the sad droopy eyes that makes you feel as though as you're the meanie for scolding him.
Try doing this the whole morning. Goodness -.-"
He bites on wires, plastic, anything that he can get his little paws on. Seriously, i've said like a million "NO FORREST!!!" in just a day.
Well, i also had my first driving lesson today. After he introduce the car equips and stuff, all i did was move forward and backward. Depress the clutch, move the gear to gear 1, release the clutch to biting point, depress the clutch again and press on the brake lightly and bring the car to a stop. Well, that's as far as my first lesson went. HAHA
Awwww. My little lion :D
Sunday, July 15, 2007
YEAH I GOT MY PUPPY! Got it yesterday actually. But because my mum reshift the furniture in the house, my computer dont have a powerpoint to insert it into. So i dont have a com to be online darnit! I'm using my sister's laptop right now and she's given me like wow! a whopping ten minutes to type my entry. Pictures of Forrest!

Sunday, July 08, 2007
Lots of thanks from Jenny! I saw this on hers :D

Create your own Friend Test here
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Friday's good :D
I met up with Serene and her friend Michelle first at mostercue. Its really been such a long time since i've been there. Like probably 1 and a half year? Its that much. Going there makes me think of all the past time i've been there. All throughout the year of J1, my group of friends that introduce me that place in the first place -the fcc- before that incident.
Serene and I went to Centrepoint soon after to have a look at the new extension since none of us actually did see it before. Its not much diff actually and we went to meet Gwen at Taka since its in the middle of Lido and Centrepoint and at the same time, i can get my super cheap Salmon Maki at Cold Storage! We head on up to the 5th floor where there's actually seats and Gwen brought all the gifts for us! Man she's so nice, she gave me like 2 gifts! A bag signed by Beyonce and a clinque(is that how you spell it?) bag which is going to be my new pencil case for Uni. Thanks gwennie dear! <3 <3 <3
We head on down to Crystal Jade and have our dinner. The food there is actually not bad man. We had the la mian, guo tie and xiao long bao. Its good. I dont mind going there again but we should go there earlier cos the queue there is just sometimes insane. The service stuff there are quite rude actually, looking our shoulder as we pay the bill and give us that kind of impatient look. I mean yes i know that there are people waiting outside but we are heading out, can't we have a minute to put the bill together? Talk about bad service. We are a paying customer nevertheless even if we didnt order as much as the other families. We are a family on budget. So what?
We head on down to Far Coast and I still like the place. I dont think the rest like it that much though. The drink that i had was quite chocolatey. Belegante :D I quite like the atmosphere and setting there plus the choice to choose which adventure you would like. Its pretty cool. Its great catching up with em. I'll see you guys next Friday again! hahahahaha
I'VE FINISHED MARLEY AND ME! Marley and me is actually a book about a lab retriever and i cant stop crying at the ending. Its one of the best book that i've read and i recommend all to read :D
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Aiyah, I had another dream last night but this one was just plain weird. I cant really remember but i know its weird. Weird dreams suck! I want my nice nice romantic dreams. HAHAHAA.
Dang. I've been doing nothing the whoooole of today man. Just mapling and watching tv. How boring can my lifestyle be? I rather go out man. Instead of staying at home and rot. Someone please bring me out! But yet i have not much money. DANG.
I need to do something about my life. -.-"
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
My goodness. I had the most fantastic dream last night.
I dreamt that Chad Michael Murray was my boyfriend!
It was a very weird setting though.
I have no idea where i was but aiyoh he's so sweet. -sighs
I'll love to have more dreams like that -sighs
:D :D :D :D :D
Monday, July 02, 2007
Today's a great day :D I met up with Weiping and Yun Hui at 1 30 orchard mrt and awwwww, they still look as pretty as ever :D Yeah i know i just met up with them not long ago but they are one of my longest friends! Since primary school :D
We went to our traditional shop and ordered the usuals of chicken cutlet and fish cutlet but i decided to try something new, the chicken chop. Its not terrible. But neither is it fantastic. I think sticking to the cutlet is a good choice :D
We head on down to starbucks at the Singtel building and i poured out my problems to them. Thanks for listening through the whole thing and not stopping a chatterbox like me. Man, my life seems to be revolving *(&$#(*^!$. Need money, it links back to (*Q#&$$.
We walked down to Dhoby Ghaut, ate dinner at long johns, and have a blardy good time today :D On the way out of Dhoby, this guy with the cap happens to walk in. I just looked up in time to see Utt looking around and straight at me, only to quickly push down his cap and carry on walking. In response to that, i just quickly look away and just walked on like i didnt see a single shit. What a toot.
My family picked me up at the bus stop and we went to check on our pup :D He's still as adorable as ever! And we met the mum today. She's a bit skinny but at least she's reasonably friendly and not as possessive as the owner once mentioned. We saw the other pups too but i think our's the cutest one of all. <3 We decided to call him Forrest! I cant wait to get him home but he needs another 2 weeks with the mum. OUR ALPHA DOG! :D